Building Quick Links with Solid-js


Sharing my experience with building out Quick links in Solid-js

January 13, 2023
5 min read
Picture of Quick Links


In this article, I'll be sharing my experience and learnings with using Solid-js, as well as building out Quick links.


Right around the fall season, I decided to learn a new web framework to expand my knowledge further, and one that caught my attention was Solid-js. I was blown away by two things: reactivity, in which only the particular code that listens to state changes is rerun, and its similarities with React. If you come from a background in React, you can learn Solid-js for just a day and focus on building the product.

Tech stack

For the tools that I'll be using on this project:

  • Solid-js for building out the UI
  • Hope UI a set of accessible UI components
  • Supabase as my choice of database

While building out Quick links, one of the roadblocks I encountered was how I should set up my global state management. Solid-js recommends you use their Context API for shareable states. At first, I wasn't a fan of using Context as the problem I have with using Context is it will lead to lots of nested Context providers, and once the project scales, it will take a lot of work to manage it.

      <AnotherStateProvider>{/*  More Nested Provider */}</AnotherStateProvider>

After doing my research, here are packages that I found for setting up global state management:

After trying out those multiple packages, I decided to settle on Context for setting up my global state management. One concern I had was that you wouldn't be able to leverage the primitive createStore with some built-in tricks that can quickly update the state easily. If anything else, the community of Solid-js still recommends you use their built-in primitives for handling state management.

When I finished building out Quick Links, I came across a package Solid-services. The cool thing about this package is that you can leverage primitives such as createSignal or createStore, and it eliminates the use of setting multiple contexts and you can use the built-in state primitives so you essentially get the best of the two.

Lessons learned

Updating state in Solid

When updating nested state, createStore offers some built-in tricks that you can easily use to update the state. Here's an example in which I have an array of categories, and each category has an array of links.

  const data = [
    {categoryId:1, links:[]},
    {categoryId:2, links:[]}
    {categoryId:3, links:[]}

  const [categories, setCategories] = createStore(data);

    // 1. find the category that it's equal to id we selecetd
    // 2. Map to links
    // 3. Add a new data inside of links array
                category => category.categoryId === id,
                bookmarks => [...bookmarks, { }]

// 1. find the category that it's equal to id we selecetd
// 2. And update whole content
                category => category.categoryId === id,

Or If I want to delete a category

// Creates a new copy of array
  setCategories(state =>
                  category => category.categoryId !==

There's more of this that createStore has to offer, and I wished there had been more examples showcasing what createStore can do more.

Derived State in Solid

I was solving a problem that took me about 2 hours to solve, and after posting a question in the discord community, I needed to set the expression as a function for it to work. Reactivity in Solid works where only code that listens to changes reruns.

  const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);

  // this works
  const doubleCount = () => count() * 2;

  // won't work
 const doubleCount =  count() * 2;

Mutating data after initial fetch rquest

We currently use createResource for API fetching, and it's only about the data reads. Doing mutation on the returned data is certainly not possible. The solution is that after the request is loaded, we pass the data into a state. Here's an example in which I'm fetching data from Supabase, and once it's loaded, I pass it on to my state.

  const [categories, setCategories] = createStore([]);
  const [data] = createResource(getTodos);

  createEffect(() => {
    const returnedValue = data();
    if (returnedValue) {



Using Solid has been a great experience that had helped me focus on building the product and not focusing my time on how can I make the app for performant, I'm truly excited for what Solid-js has to offer this 2023 and when its meta framework has finally reached to a stable released.

If you're interested to check out the project here's the link to the github repo.